Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Writing Exercises/ Last Man on Earth

In one of my writing groups, someone gave these two sentences and challenged those there to write a short story based on these two sentences. What were they, you ask?

"The last man on Earth sat alone in his room. There was a knock on the door."

“Mr. Williams, it is time.” The words filtered through the voice box from the other side of the door in an exacting fashion, without care or compassion.
Slowly he stood up, he eyes watering. He walked to the suit hanging on the hook by the door and donned the environmental garb. Zipped into the contraption like a piece of unwanted garbage, he waited before answering, savoring the last bit of fresh air before placing his helmet on and snapping the oxygen lines together.
“Are you ready?” The woman’s voice questioned as the locks turned, releasing the six inch steel door from its frame.
Breathing erratically, he mumbled his acknowledgement of the two females who greeted him. Dressed in white uniforms, they led the man down a long corridor. Stripped of any recognizable emblems, the stark white walls blinded him, as he shuffled behind his guards to the end of the hall.
Pausing briefly, before pushing on the door hardware, the blond headed woman on his left smiled slightly. “It will be over before you know it.”
Stepping over the threshold as she held the door open, the man stood quietly for a moment, drinking in his newfound fame. His presence, spotlighted in the piercing lights of cameras from the local news, caused a stir within the audience, as the females whispered and pointed. He raised an arm to shield his eyes, as he glanced around the courtroom, his stare finally resting on the matronly Judge.
“This way Mr. Williams.” The blond motioned towards the benches situated before the judge.
He stumbled, awkwardly making his way to the seat beside his attorney. Careful to pull his oxygen lines from around his body, he stood until the Judge smacked the gravel, signaling for the courtroom to become quiet and those in front to sit.
Sighing deeply, the elderly Judge furrowed her brow. Her eyes squinted slightly as she sized up the lonely man in front of her. “Mr. Williams, you are on trial today, not for what you have done, but for what all men have done to this earth, do you understand?”
Mr. Williams nodded slowly. “Yes ma’am.”
“Because of men striving to constantly control every aspect of life here on earth through war and corruption your kind created the greatest injustice. By seeking to eliminate others through man made disease, your kind only managed to kill off itself. I guess this trial is to determine whether or not we should allow the male part of our species to continue. And you, being the last man on Earth, I ask, can you give me any reason why men should be allowed to continue to exist?”
Swallowing hard, Mr. Williams stood. “Men help to procreate our human species. Without us, life would not continue.”
The courtroom burst into laughter. “Mr. Williams,” the Judge smiled, “women can use science to procreate. We’ve mastered many ways to create life, and with all the sperm banks available, we have just what we need. Anything else?”
“Who will you fall in love with?” He stammered his heart caught in his throat.
“Well, you may have a point there, but it still doesn’t disguise the fact of what men do. All your kind wants is war and money, and you abuse the power God gave to you, but putting this world in a constant state of dysfunction. How can men overcome that?”
Bowing his head, Mr. Williams realized the Judge was right. From the time history could be written, men seemed to always be at war, murdering and destroying in the name of some pretended injustice. He was at a loss; he raised his eyes and shook his head. “Your honor, I don’t have an answer.”
The courtroom became quiet. “Without any fallible reason then, you will bear the punishment of all those before you…” the Judge began.
“Wait!” The word was spoken loudly from the back of the room. Mr. Williams struggled to turn his helmet to see who had come to aid in his defense.
A small girl of about twelve stepped through the crowd of women, pushing her way forward. “Wait, I have a reason.” She cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“And what is that reason, child!” The Judge demanded.
“Without men, we don’t have Daddies, and without Daddies, we don’t have butterfly kisses, someone to buy you milkshakes when days don’t go right, someone to help you ride a bike for the first time, someone to keep the monsters out of the closet and someone to hold you when your mom can’t. Please Ms. Judge, don’t take away Daddies. Kids need Daddies just as much as they need Mommies!”
The Judge leaned back in her seat, contemplating the young girl and her words. The mental pictures of her father slid into focus and she thought of her times with him. She smiled. “Out of the mouth of babes…” She murmured.
“Mr. Williams…in lieu of what has been said in your defense; you have been sentenced, not to death but to life. A life of greater meaning, as a teacher. You must build and teach the next age of men, to find the part of themselves, that nurtures and loves, so that our world doesn’t have to be without Daddies.”

That was my response.

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